Postion: Health and Injury Coordinator
Best CNR Moment: "Do you need an Ambulance sir?"

Position: Shilock support; Removed due to insobordination
Best CNR Moment: "Martarism!"
The true story of the Camp Never Rest Shilock.... "Shilock"
A Shilock is the one guy in your camp who always screws you over by feeling the need to never pay his share, either at the bar or restaurant when it comes to paying the tab or bill or helping to pay for his portion owed for the trip. A Shilock always acts like he has money but never really does. These Shilocks were thought to be extinct years ago, but it seems now there is one living in every Eelpout festival camp across the lake. These Shilocks use such tricks as the "No Stamp" Trick (trying to say he mailed you his share of the money for group expenses of the trip but forgot to put a stamp on the envelope) or the Beer and Pizza trick, where in front on the broads (When your wheeling broads at the bar/restaurant, the Shilock will order food and drinks like a Big Wheel, then when the bill comes due throws two bucks on the table and says "I only had one slice of pizza", and then pouts when the rest of the group follows his move and throws two bucks each out as well!). Or boldy take your group to the bar that has dollar drink specials all night and then act like Bobby Big Wheel buying rounds for you and your friends. "Beware of these Shilocks." Caution!!!! BEWARE OF the MASTER SHILOCK, The Master Shilocks have a distinct keen sense & can often lure you in! They often have the ability to pull the clever bait and switch... these master Shilocks knows exactly when to pull the B &S and how to manipulate a situation. He knows exactly when the time is ripe, he knows that he owes the group money and the event is comming near to end, and is soon going to have to pay up! At this time he cleverly makes a calculated move and decides, on that last night of the festival, to hide the keys to his 4-wheeler, tell the group that another "DRUNK" member of the group lost them, and then decides to call it "even" because the loss of the keys will cover the amount owed to the group. This is a sign that you have now been duped by the MASTER SHILOCK!Sometiems he will even cleverly step up and bring equipment for your encampment, then expects his couragous move to cover his share of the cost, even when the entire group has contributed to the cause. And then when you think the Shilock cant get any worse he brags at the fact that when the weekend is over, he will return his camp supplies to the store that they were purchased and get his money back!! [B]Oh the life of the Shilock.... If you have one in your camp, get him out! He can be a Debby Downer!

Position: Quality Control Coordinator
Best CNR Moment: "George that's quite a snake"

Position: Reservations official
Best CNR Moment: "Two words, CHURCH LADY"
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7:33 PM, December 21, 2015
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