Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Mythological Legend of CNR
The Myth of the Camp Never Rester's: Behind the flannel dress shirts, scruffy beards, and beer belly's are the men that call themselves “Never Rester’s!"
The Myth of the Camp Never Rester's: Behind the flannel dress shirts, scruffy beards, and beer belly's are the men that call themselves “Never Rester’s!"
This unique social group was founded in the late 1980’s and has a very unique, yet open membership. Members have come and gone due to angry wives, rehab, or just not being able to uphold the "code" (such as paying one's fair share.) Though, the core of its memebers continues to be strong. These men came together during a period of time in life when boys become men, and difficult decisions often have to be made and discussed at length. Things Like: “What's the beer of choice? Hams or Old Mill!” Most of them attended (some even graduated from) or had an affiliation with the University of North Dakota. Since those early years of little money, and lack of taste for quality beer, this group has grown and spread itself across the country. It holds a firm grip within the Midwest, but they find themselves with CNR chapters as far West as Nevada, East as Massachusetts, and as far South as Texas. Though the group has grown over the years, its ability to make
mature decisions has not. That’s what seems to make this group who they are.
The History: CNR…. You might ask what does it stand for and does their affiliation stand for? Well, it all depends on who you ask within the organization. “Once, while on a fishing trip in Canada , one of our ‘historic members’ decided to split the group due to hostilities within the large group… So, in a move of desperation he asked for volunteers to move to an empty cabin across the lake. Moments later a handful of men loaded their boats with necessities (beer) to head to the other side of the lake. As they loaded the boats their fearless leader pointed, like Washington on the Delaware, and said ‘Off to CAMP NEVER REST’, Said Robert "Road Kill" Daniel, an original member of the group. He also mentioned, sadly, “I wasn’t on that trip, and rumor has it the loyal leader, who like the pilgrims at Plymouth rock, was looking for freedom.” Others in the group have claimed that moment to be folklore, and that CNR came to be named much differently that the fishing ledgend. “On a particularly interesting hunting trip, one of our members attempted to shoot Pea Hens, mistaking them for the elusive Rough Grouse. He proudly boasted ‘lets take our belovid kill to Camp Never Rest.' said Rocco "COLOSTOMY" Colson, A member since the groups
Inception. Also adding “How we got our name has been deeply debated and hotly contested; the mythology behind it is much like the ancient Greeks of Olympus." I know there are many stories floating around of how our name came to be, most of which have been fabricated, or simply false, but amusing! "Honestly that’s what gives us ‘Never Rester's our mystique.” Chuck "doubled over" Daniel, The ‘elder statesmen’ of the group said “I cant really explain it, but everywhere we go it seems someone has heard one of the stories that has occured during our Odyssey, Its crazy.”
The Outings: Explaining what they do when they get together, and how they go about their rituals is not easily put into words. This is a very outgoing group but getting truthful information on them was very difficult. After spending time with a few members I made a few small observations : 1. The legend of CNR far outweighs its members, this group seems to tend to few rules or limitations 2. Within the tight community their loyatle runs deep!. 3. Often I noticed a lack of maturity, Fun, cohesivness and the ability to simply go with the flow!
Darrin "probably drunk" Pribula and CNR 'UNOFFICIAL' founder with Zeus like power said “you really have to do something special to get into this group, let me tell you 3 DUI’s and crapping my pants barely got me in!"
So next time you see a camper full of guys that might fit the description, simply ask the code word: CHUCH LADY! If you get a smile, you are in the company of a fun group!
By: Slim Shady