Welcome Never Resters and friends! This is a place where grown men get to act like..... Grown men!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

George Vettel Jumps into CNR

2006 CNR "NEW" Member Indoctrination Ceremony
George "meat" Vettel, of Fargo ND, was officially indoctrinated into Camp Never Rest family at 1:57 pm on Saturday February 11th, 2006. The indoctrination event was capped by a cool
baptismal ritual which all new member must go through! Congratulations Mr. Vettel

This was moments before the big splash! Beer in one hand
And a Speedo in the other! YEP, really, a Speedo!

Had these girls asked, we may have let them in too! =)

After the Never Rest Officals brief Mr. Vettel he begins the

CNR walk of FAME!

He takes a deep breath and understand the seriousness of

the situation! He is now prepared... almost in a trance-like state of mind!

Mr. Vettel finally becomes an official member to Camp Never Rest!

CONGRATULATIONS! Now... Who dares to be next?